Tag Archives: Saison Poivre

Pacific Northwest Trip: Day #3 The walk back

DAY #3 part 2 The walk back

With my belly full of beer I decided that I needed to work off all the empty (yet delicious) calories I’ve consumed in the day. So instead of flagging down another cab I decided I would just make the 3+ miles walk back to downtown Seattle. The only downside was the fact that a majority of my trip went through the industrial part of town, so it wasn’t the most “scenic” walk possible. Either way I headed north with the sun hiding behind the clouds and a faint breeze blowing on my face.  Continue reading

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Saison Poivre (Elysian Brewing Co.)

This was the beer in which I realized that 2011 was my Year of the Spicy Beer. SAISON POIVRE is a saison brewed with peppercorns (aka something I’ve never heard of in a beer) that clocks in with an unknown ABV.  Continue reading

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